Kehje Sewen Forest has abundant biodiversity. Our PRM team often encounters flora and fauna when conducting post-release monitoring in this forest. Because of this, area monitoring is also carried out.

In addition to conducting post-release monitoring, our PRM team in the remote area also conducts area monitoring. This monitoring is carried out as part of the biodiversity inventory found in the Kehje Sewen Forest area. The purpose of conducting a biodiversity inventory is to map the biological wealth of both flora and fauna contained in the PBPH RHOI work area in East Kalimantan. The results of mapping biological wealth add value to the importance of habitat protection which is one of the tasks of RHOI in the Kehje Sewen Forest area. The inventory in the form of a book aims to provide information to the public about the biodiversity in the work area, as well as facilitate the identification of biodiversity in the field carried out by the team.

The diversity of flora and fauna found in the Kehje Sewen Forest is documented by the PRM team in charge of monitoring area for further identification and inventory. The data that has been obtained from monitoring and patrolling activities of the area for one week is then sent to RHOI headquarters for further identification and inventory. The results of the inventory that have been collected for one year are then compiled into biodiversity books and published.

By conducting this biodiversity inventory, it is hoped that there will be an increase in public and community awareness of the importance of preserving the habitat of the Kehje Sewen Forest because of the biodiversity that lives in it. In addition, the availability of abundant biodiversity can also be an indication of the state of ecosystem health in the Kehje Sewen Forest.


Here are some of the ways we’ve helped develop a world where orangutans and nature thrive.